Our mission: Leave you alone.
What good would an intervention do? We are too far gone for that. The best anyone can do for us is to let us fade quietly away. We had our notions, our ambitions, our hopes and dreams. All they made us was lonely and bored. So let's stop. We don't really know what we want or what we need or what we already have.
Our grand insights and ambitions are just more random conjectures from an excited marmoset. It isn't anyone's fault. All animals share the same fundamental error. They don't understand the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is not ideas and feelings. Knowledge is the sunlight on the water. So please join us at the camp where we forget ourselves. It'll be better. We'll be the sunlight on the water. You'll see! I guess.
We can talk about it.
General Information
123 Mountain Lake Road
Slippery Mesa, AZ 1800&frozetodeath
Late-Night Drunken Calls
123-456-7890 ext may-B-ltr
Commisserate with Werther
123-456-7890 ext wie froh bin ich
dass ich weg bin!
Bester Freund, was ist das Herz
des Menschen! Dich zu verlassen,
den ich so liebe, von dem ich
unzertrennlich war, und froh zu sein!
Ich weiß, du verzeihst